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Women in Business Feature

Women in Business Feature

Mary Hiatt, President of Mary the Medicare Lady, was recently laughing over lunch with a colleague about how women used to have to wear dresses, pantyhose and high heels to work or risk getting sent home. On her first phone call in her first outside sales job, the prospect said that he wouldn’t meet with her because he “didn’t believe in women working outside of the home.” She made a mental note to not do business with that company and went on to become a nationwide award-winning sales manager.

Mary had a lifetime of experiences leading up to founding Mary the Medicare Lady. She has met challenges beyond work attire requirements and enjoyed success in a variety of careers and business ownership. She feels that is because she is authentic, and her clients know that she truly cares about them.

She is an independent agent licensed in Life & Health and is certified in Medicare AHIP and Annuities. She has a BSBA in Finance and earned her SIE, 6 & 63.

In addition to helping people with Medicare options, she helps those under-65 as well as small businesses with health, life, dental, vision and disability, with options for both company-paid and employee-paid.

For more information about Mary the Medicare Lady, please visit or contact Mary Hiatt at (402) 672-9449 / Mary [at] hiattagency [dot] com.

